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Want to submit your short stories or poems?
Do you write/talk about books, blogging, podcast, or others ways and want to promote yourself?

Are you a small business looking for a way to shine more light onto your shop?

Author, poet, book illustrator or narrator and want to be interviewed?

Looking for honest reviews of your books, shop, or something else?

Submit your piece today by following the steps below & your work could be published in Double the Books Magazine.
  • Make sure your story/poem is within the page limit of 1-2 A4 pages only. 

  • Original work only and all rights are reserved to you. We will credit you in your piece. 

  • We accept all writing but needs to be clean as we have underage readers. 

  • You may submit up to four stories/poems a month depending on the theme by emailing to with the subject "Submission: Post Type (Short Story/Poem/Guest Post/Interview)_Name_Title"

  • You will get an e-mail if we choose your work to be published.​

  • Only one story or poem for each E-mail​


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